Saturday, January 22, 2011

Best Ways to demonstrate the physics of photography in a presentation?

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by crowolf

Question by okk: Best Ways to demonstrate the physics of photography in a presentation?

I need to do a presentation with three demonstrations of physics and the theme is going to be photography. It doesn't have to be completely photography related but something that will demonstrate the optics that is in photography. I was thinking about making a few camera obscuras as one demo but i need two more. Please help!

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Answer by Q
Camera obscura is great way to go.

I've made cyanotypes, and those are a great way to get a feel for how a photosensitive negative works. You can contact print negatives or make a photogram by simply laying an object on the paper and exposing it to light.
Albumen prints are some of the first negative materials, but not the easiest to reproduce.

Lenses can be fun on their own. If you have an SLR lens, you can hold it above a piece of paper, and by playing with distance and the focusing ring, it becomes a mini projector throwing an image onto your paper.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

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